Product Category
- 1เครื่องวัดแสง
- 2เครื่องวัดพลังงานแสงอาทิตย์สำหรับงานโซล่าเซล
- 3Pyranometer
- 4เครื่องวัดแสง UV
- 5UV Sensor
- 6UV Radiometers
- 7Sunshine Duration - เซ็นเซอร์วัดแสงแดด
- 8SiC UV Spectrometer
- 9UV Calibration
- 10UV Data logger
- 11UV lamp
- 12UV LED
- 13แสงเลเซอร์
- 14เครื่องวิเคราะห์แสง - Light analyzer
- 15Low cost UV meter
- 16UV DISINFECTION - อุปกรณ์กำจัดเชื้อไวรัสด้วยแสงยูวี
- 17Flame Detectors - เครื่องตรวจจับเปลวไฟ
Features : Monitors higher hydrocarbons flames (wood, paper, petrol) but also and lower hydrocarbons such as methanol and methane.
- The UV and UV/IR flame detector detect hydrogen flames.
- Good immunity against the influences of:
- Direct and reflected sun light.
- Artificial light, such as fluorescent tubes and glass covered halogen lamps.
- Arcs and electric discharges (static or from e.g. electric motors).
-The radiation from arc welding provided that the distance to the arc welding is >4 m (UV/IR) or >3 m (IR3) from the detector.
- IR3 flame detector is suitable for smoky fires.
- Automatic Sensor Test (Built-in Self-Test) which monitors the sensors and the electronics of the flame detector for its proper operation.
- Switches to set latching/non-latching alarm relay output.